On August 2, 2014, I watched one of my clients, Mike Salemi, obtain a personal record at the Northern California Kettle Bell Competition in Oakland, CA. It was amazing to watch him accomplish 19 clean and jerks using 40kg Kettle bells in each hand. That is roughly 176 pounds, the most of any competitor that day. What impressed me the most with his performance was his ability to maintain his postural integrity while working toward complete muscle fatigue.
Over the last year I have assisted him with keeping his muscles working at their optimal performance as well as maintaining mobility in his joints. Consistent bodywork has enabled both he and I to understand how his muscles respond to tension. This competition was the first that I was able to provide him with both a pre and a post event massage.
The purpose of the pre-event massage is to assist the athlete in warming up, increase circulation to the muscles and provide a psychological lift prior to the competition. It is administered right before an athlete is going to warm up. In Mike’s case, it was the kick-start to his warm up, which later resulted in a personal record.
Following his flight, I also provided a post-event massage. I was able to help him with cool down and immediate recovery. In general this type of massage can help to relieve cramping, enhance circulation and promotes lymphatic drainage. Most of all it helps to reduce the aches and pains one feels the day after the even (delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS). When I received a text from Mike the next day informing me that he was feeling great, I knew I did my job well!